Sunday, January 16, 2011

Quiver being loaded...

Last spring I stopped for gas one morning and no matter the service I get, I always try to look the clerk in the eye and say "Thanks! You have a great day!"  On this day the clerk seemed down and when I did my cheerful "Thanks! Have a great day!"  Her answer stopped me.  She mumbled an apology for not being very cheerful.  When I asked if she was okay she simply said she wasn't feeling very well.  Her eyes said more so I told her I would pray for her that day.  Through out the day she was on my mind and I offered a quick prayer that she was feeling better.  That was in April.  I still go to that gas station and I am quite sure she doesn't recognize me BUT I noticed that every time I have been in she is a very joyful worker.  She smiles and jokes with customers and coworkers.  Did my prayer do that?  Maybe but when she was having "one of those days" someone took time to notice!
The challenge that SOCT has for you is to look at Valentines Day with a set of LOVE eyes that see beyond the romantic pitter patter love but a love that warms your heart.  Have some fun with it.  This agent is packing an arsenal of Valentine treats that can be left for waitress or waiters, maybe an older couple who evoke images of your grandparents still deeply committed to one another.  Perhaps you see someone who just needs something that lets them know that YOU SAW them and not just skimmed past another being.  My love arrows are simple bite sized candy bars with a simple 4U on it!  Have fun love agents!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Inception Project on the move...

More agents have been added to the team. Welcome Agents! Glad to have you on board. The Inception Projects is in your hands. I expect photographic evidence on any updates and remember secrecy is very important.

Joy, Love, and Crafty Espionage
Agent Love

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Inception


Today marks the inception of a growing secret team of agents working the fields of Crafting and the Arts for the greater good of humanity. These Agents use their skills as masters of their media to covertly enrich the lives of others by fabricating objects with love, compassion, consciousness and joy, in an effort to spark these same feelings in the recipient.

….All while keeping our identities a secret….

Our objective is simple: 
Inspire love, compassion, consciousness and joy through the free giving of hand crafted objects. Life is fleeting,  we are here to remind you to enjoy it!

Not only do we wish to evoke wonderful feelings in individuals but we aim to inspire Craftivism. Craftivism is a form of Craft Activism.